PUH-LEZ tell me your gonna update soon. Dying over here. This fic is so cute! The way everything is set up is amazing.
luna- Sun 06 May 2007
ha! I HAD THE FUNNIEST THING COME TO MIND! what if kags was a day or two late for her period and she starts to panic about being pregnant, wich lead to her running around and telling some random stranger she is pregnant which in return tells her that she already is cause that is what all the news papers are reporting...yeah, so i hope you update soon
Wow, great story. I feel so bad for Kagome though! Everyone seems to want to rag on her. Anyway, I hope you have time to update soon. :)
nicole- Mon 12 Mar 2007
geeeeez thi fabfic is full of sluts and bitchess especially ayame.
DarkAngel495- Mon 12 Mar 2007
Im cuRiouSe...Is KagOme Is A Spy?
I hoPe.......Well I dOnT KnOw
WWTF See You
DarkAngel495- Sun 04 Mar 2007
ok oK i'M inTerEsted oN tHiS stOry
nOw it'S ReAlY fUnny! mEntIon
'bOut kAgoMe As A ugLy DuckLing
aNd At tHat DaTe hm...imPreSive!
SarahhhBoo- Sat 03 Mar 2007
OMG i cant wait till next chappy! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
SarahhhBoo- Wed 21 Feb 2007
omg! i deal to go out with Kagome!!!! that is so mean!!!!!!! i feel bad for her....Anyways i cant wait to read your next chapter please please please please PLEASE!!!! right another one and soon lol i am getting addicted to your story...thank you much!
luna- Sun 18 Feb 2007
i think that request might make inuyasha start thinking with his bighead not the little one anumore, or he might just agree without putting any consideration into his words.
SarahhhBoo- Fri 16 Feb 2007
I LOVE your stories! they suck you in and you cant seem to stop reeding them...please right more.
SarahhhBoo- Fri 16 Feb 2007
I LOVE your stories! they suck you in and you cant seem to stop reeding them...please right more.
Sicilia- Sun 28 Jan 2007
Hahaha he thinks Kagome is a child hahahaha that is funny can't wait to see what happens on the Saturday Shopping
Sicilia- Sun 28 Jan 2007
Hahaha he thinks Kagome is a child hahahaha that is funny can't wait to see what happens on the Saturday Shopping
lol great chapter! i can only imagine sesshoumaru's surprise when he realizes who rin invited XD i'm looking forward to your next chapter!
LINDSEY- Sat 13 Jan 2007
heather- Fri 12 Jan 2007
i love this story but chapter 3 and 4 are the same you need to check that ( if your online when you get this please email me and let me know whats up with the chapters 3 and 4 )
Sicilia- Thu 04 Jan 2007
I know who I know Kagome Will hahhaa :P
i like it kinda short hopefully it will get longer update soon
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