Archerdiana Profile Page

About Me

I decided to jump into the bandwagon about 16 years too late.


A collection on the Inuyoukai under Sesshomaru's leadership:


Shameless plug for my Inu no Kimi fic:

User Status

15 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago


I was a silent lurker for years until some day all my shower headcanons became one AU, so here goes:

An Arrangement

Meant to he canon divergence initially, but it's become a universe of its own.

I've gotten some comments on this fic that worry me so allow me to be clear: it's the portrayal of a manipulative relationship. Just because there's good times, it doesn't excuse the bad. A link for further reading:


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Total Posts11

Forum Posts
08/26/2020 17:27:16Re:Wiccan Vacation and 2020 FUNDRAISING!!!Off-Topic Discussion20192
02/16/2020 13:26:27Re:SessKag Valentine's Big Bang 2020General Discussion12929
02/12/2020 00:13:47Married in modern era?Searching for a Fic...2402
08/18/2011 19:58:43Re:Cosplay Suggestions/IdeasOff-Topic Discussion2673
08/18/2011 19:53:16Florence-LyonOff-Topic Discussion1979
07/08/2011 00:07:23Re:Victorian era ChallengeChallenges107279
03/19/2011 16:49:00Re:Furry SesshomaruSearching for a Fic...88935
03/18/2011 00:56:38Furry SesshomaruSearching for a Fic...88935
02/25/2011 18:37:39Mystery and thrillerRecommendations44424
07/08/2010 16:25:21Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When...Off-Topic Discussion97224
07/07/2010 16:12:35Re:Hades Persephone - Sesshoumaru Kagome!!Challenges5686




Archerdiana has 2 stories

When her life goes up in flames Kagome agrees to an arranged marriage, realizing the chances of them both having skeletons in their closets are quite slim. But the bones threaten to spill over her shiny new life at any moment and leave a trail to somewhere unexpected. // Fluff to Horror.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Oct 2019  -  Updated: 31 Mar 2020
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 20  -  Reviews: 123  -  Words: 65,748  -  Reads: 50,620
It started out when Kagome offered to brush Sesshomaru's hair. She didn't expect the daiyoukai to go completely bonkers about it. For the Valentine's Big Bang, prompt: courting.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 16 Feb 2020  -  Updated: 16 Feb 2020
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 11  -  Words: 6,607  -  Reads: 8,056


Total number of images: 1

The call of Tessaiga
  • The call of Tessaiga
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 4

SessKag: Eros x Psyche
Iniating Problem
mexican au retablo
Fake Wedding


Name Entry

Created On: 07/07/2010 16:58:50

Thank you for your review! Constructive criticism is always welcome

I am aware of the problem... I did have some worries about the story's fluidity, but your the first to mention it. As such, I just kept on throwing things in where I could.

Seeing as you're the only one letting me know, do you think it would work better if I put the glossary at the beginning of the chapter? Or just left out the majority of the terminology out altogether?

Thank you for your review and helpful critique!

Feedback from Archerdiana: I'm so sorry for a very late answer! I had no idea you had answered. I guess keeping a short amount of words is enough, readers learn it with time, and it's kinda cool to know even just a word in another language

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