Remembering Chapter 5
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"Picking his human up, he put her on his stomach lying on the grass. Sprawled over his stomach looking at him, she blinked her blue eyes, and Seshoumaru felt something stir inside him.
She blinked.
“That shall be your name.”
She smiled, and buried her face in his haroi. He understood that their little feud was over. She was not angry with him anymore. A sense of relief swallowed him, as he stroked her black hair, and murmured, “My Kagome.”
He felt her rubbing her face against his haroi and felt light as if a great burden had just been lifted from his shoulders."
~~And here's chapter 5 for Remembering by Kjpanny! :D Go check out the fic, guys, if you don't know it already!! It is fantastic and adorable beyond belief! Heh heh, and yeah I know Kagome's hair is super curly, but I find that often times with little children, when they're young their hair is curlier and as they grow it usually calms down into a I figured as a baby Kags would have curlier hair...I
She blinked.
“That shall be your name.”
She smiled, and buried her face in his haroi. He understood that their little feud was over. She was not angry with him anymore. A sense of relief swallowed him, as he stroked her black hair, and murmured, “My Kagome.”
He felt her rubbing her face against his haroi and felt light as if a great burden had just been lifted from his shoulders."
~~And here's chapter 5 for Remembering by Kjpanny! :D Go check out the fic, guys, if you don't know it already!! It is fantastic and adorable beyond belief! Heh heh, and yeah I know Kagome's hair is super curly, but I find that often times with little children, when they're young their hair is curlier and as they grow it usually calms down into a I figured as a baby Kags would have curlier hair...I
06.06.2011 21:25:09
Edit: WAIT. I'm stupid. Thank you to TalaUSA! That's what I get for being impatient. =P
For those looking for this the author has started posting it again here>>
~~Sorry guys! I believe the writer removed the story, for reasons unknown to me...TT__TT She messaged me to let me know, but never said why. So sadly I will not be able to continue these adorable sketches...
Yea, i tried finding the fic but cant. Anyone got the link or soemthing?
i laughed lol. of course! she's a baby! you should have seen my nephew's head... he couldn't learn to sit up on his own for a while because he was so top heavy