The Tales Of Ebony Black
Picture information
By the title, \"the tales of ebony black,\" I actually mean a colour not a person\'s name, so the tales of black I guess ;P
I may or may not write a fanfiction with such a title, we\'ll see.
Okay, now onto the image, it\'s quite old actually, and still when coloured there are various mistakes visible, but deciding that a half finished job cannot be submitted I finished a majority of it ;P
I hope you guys like it
Jazz xoxo <3
I may or may not write a fanfiction with such a title, we\'ll see.
Okay, now onto the image, it\'s quite old actually, and still when coloured there are various mistakes visible, but deciding that a half finished job cannot be submitted I finished a majority of it ;P
I hope you guys like it
Jazz xoxo <3
09.12.2009 09:45:38
Thank you!
Ah yes the traditional kimono, I find that in comparance to the sleek kimono, the traditional kimono is quite easy to draw. Perhaps I shall do another image with her wearing of the tradtional kimono. ;P
Jazzy xoxo