You’re our hero! What an awesome series of updates. Feeling spoiled. Such a painful set of chapters though - such a trauma at one another’s hands can’t help but shift all the goodness of childhood into a swiftly acquired emotional adulthood that neither could be ready to understand fully yet. Poor Toga is torn in so many directions...looking forward to the next arc. Thanks for taking such care and effort on this. We’re all so appreciative!
Way to go on getting all those new chapters out there - what a champ!
I'm in love with the story you have started laying out, and I eagerly await your next postings for this story
Welcome back!
hazel (Chapter 72) - Wed 20 Feb 2019
Thank you very much!
I love this wonderful story of yours and was afraid it would be abandoned like other great fanfics.
I look forward to the upcoming chapters!
Noooooooo!!!!!!! Not little Gome!!!!
Skylar (Chapter 60) - Wed 20 Feb 2019
I am loving this!
TAMARA (Chapter 1) - Tue 19 Feb 2019
I'm am freakin happy your back. I read this story months ago. I was so happy you updated I read the whole thing over. Keep up the good a work . Don't leave us hanging.
Lauren (Chapter 60) - Mon 18 Feb 2019
Are you back??? Yay!! And training began! Excited to see Atsuki get better and Kagome start learning to protect herself.
I hope things are well with you and more adorableness is to come.
R (Chapter 59) - Sun 23 Dec 2018
Beautiful. Smooth. I’m enjoying the time you’re taking to develop each character so intricately. Excited to see how their journey expands. Thank you for all your hard work!
Amazing story!!!!! Update soon!!!!
This is a seriously cute fic so far. I really cannot wait till you update again.
Nallely (Chapter 59) - Tue 06 Nov 2018
Ok, I need more!! You hace to keep writhing pleaseee!! This is so cute ando the plot very interesting. I don't know what would happen next and that is so exciting!!
Katelin (Chapter 59) - Mon 05 Nov 2018
Love!!! I want more! Lol. I can’t wait to see where this goes.
adding this story to meh list! good read. just binged chapter 1 to here. good unique idea and well executed. patiently awaiting more.
Inulover1993 (Chapter 59) - Mon 05 Nov 2018
I’ve been reading inuyasha fanfiction since I was in high school and I’ve read many different genres and while I have greatly appreciated many for just as many different reasons I can truthfully say this is one of my very favorites. I am greatly anticipating future chapters. I am confused about the rabbit and Kagome‘s future relationship but I am greatly intrigued at its potential for the story. We all know he won’t be her mate as this site is dedicated to a specific pairing but I like what it could contribute. I hope you update soon as I greatly wish to read more. Thank you for your dedication and creative mind do continue. Thank you.
Orotami (Chapter 59) - Sun 04 Nov 2018
I love this story. Can't wait for longer chapters!
Hmm, I wonder why Sesshomaru was able to get a glimpse of an older Kagome and in her timeline before she came to his?
This is an interesting tidbit of a relavation and of course he will not remember or make any kind of connections. lol
Loving this story.
Very nice writing and looking forward to longer chapters soon.
Great job!!!
Toni (Chapter 20) - Sun 04 Nov 2018
just read all the chapters really like your story looking forward to more chapters
Lauren (Chapter 59) - Sun 04 Nov 2018
Wait. Did I make the update happen?! I just randomly started rereading the entire story last night, fell asleep, and just as I arrived back to chapter 58 this morning, I refreshed to a new addition and a recieved notification! I did it!!!! I have chapter-producing abilities!!! *convinced*
All must bow before me~
Looking forward to more!!!:) I really like reading this story!
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