First and foremost, I really like the storie. The ugly duckling who turns into a beautiful swan will never get old for me. I also don't mind the angst and the hero of the story having to find redemption but there are still a few things about this story that holds it back from being better than what it is.
The Seshoumaru in this story has no redeeming qualities and has no respect for Kagome. Like another person previously said, its was okay for him to treat her horribly and embarass her when she is ugly and all of a sudden he's wants her because she's gorgeous? There's not enough growth in him to show that he is more than a superficial jerk that he's portrayed as. Where is his legendary control to not jump to conclusions? He's not even smart enough to question Kagura's picture? He has no trust in Kagome even though everyone always marvels at how sweet and big hearted she has always been? He's a possesive and jealous jerk but it's okay for him to date another woman, the same one he used to hurt her previously, and sleep with her?
As for Kagome, she is a flat out door mat. I get the whole big heart and forgiveness thing but there is the saying, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I like the pairing so forgiveness will need to be a part of the story but Seshoumaru needs to do some serious grovelling and needs to suffer a bit more. This was just way too easy. He never had to work for anything to get back into her good graces. She doesn't even bother to find out what set him off to begin with and fight for dignity and respect? Now she's pregnant. Telling him is the right thing but he gets to treat her like crap and she forgives him because she loves him and never addresses the issue that tore them apart in the first place?
How realistic is that? He ruins her reputation by blabbing about it to his family and friends who side with him, pretty much calls her a slut, and sleeps with another woman. He doesn't even have any dignity to go at it alone for awhile and then claims that he loves her?
Where's the lesson in respect for either character? I really love the pairing and characters. I love angst in the story and the happily ever after is a must but the journey in getting there is also very important, too.
Okay. I'll get off my soap box now.
Sunset Senshi (Chapter 42) - Thu 19 May 2011
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY THEYRE BACK TOGETHER! I hope they both confront Kagura though....sly bitch is still on the loose !
and no mention on the supposed cheating? >.<
saki-chan (Chapter 1) - Tue 17 May 2011
hello, I have read your story, but I'm sorry I don't mean to offend you. I think this story is kinda like wind of changes by KogasAngel, especially when sesshomaru ask an advice to his mom bout apologizing to kagome and many other thing that I find similiar with the story lineof "wind of changes". That just my opinion. thank you!
saki-chan (Chapter 1) - Tue 17 May 2011
hello, I have read your story, but I'm sorry I don't mean to offend you. I think this story is kinda like wind of changes by KogasAngel, especially when sesshomaru ask an advice to his mom bout apologizing to kagome and many other thing that I find similiar with the sotory lineof "wind of changes". That just my opinion. thank you!
Brandie (Chapter 40) - Tue 17 May 2011
I have just read the new chapters and can't wait to read the rest and find out if kagome and sesshomaru work things out
NOOOOO. I NEED MORE. Please update as soon as you can. I absolutly love this story.
ann (Chapter 40) - Mon 16 May 2011
What happend the chapter didn't come up
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