Oohh... he's sleeping in her bed. Being a dog seemed to be an advantage for him, huh?
:) Nice story, by the way, if ever I forgot to tell you that.
I want a castle like that! But then again, doesn't everyone?
Rin (Chapter 47) - Mon 07 Mar 2011
He's sleeping in her bed?
Yay for castle mischief!
Haha, this particular drabble is so cute ^_^ I can only imagne Sesshoumaru's response when he wakes up. XD
I'm always looking forward to my daily email in my inbox that tells me you've updated this story ^_^ They're always so enjoyable, and generally short, so I have little trouble convincing myself to click the link and read it right away!
Thanks for doing this, you make it look so easy... I might be encouraged to do the same...
^_^ Bundles of love!
Avadrea (Chapter 47) - Sun 06 Mar 2011
so he sleeps in her bed huh... hehe so cute.
Ana (Chapter 47) - Sun 06 Mar 2011
Sleeping with kagome hu??? what a sly dog ;p
sneaky sneaky house lol
Shezna (Chapter 47) - Sun 06 Mar 2011
still lovin the sillyness! keep up the good work :D
Go greenhouse for being awesome!!!!!
Poor Sesshomaru, I bet he felt like hitting his head on the wall repeatedly at that statement hehe Another awesome chapter, yey!
Ouchies 4 am?!
Rin (Chapter 46) - Sat 05 Mar 2011
Awwww. Poor girl needs to know the truth ASAP!
aw... poor sessh.
cyin (Chapter 46) - Sat 05 Mar 2011
awww =( poor sesshoumaru. i hope they'll start gettin on to solving his furry problem soon!
Mai (Chapter 46) - Sat 05 Mar 2011
I love it! I can't wait to know what happens next.
I hope Kouga would find his brain during his leave too.
Well, keep it up! :)
so glad you are able to see your friend, AND update! lol Have fun and I love reading!
Awe! Now I want to draw that! If Only I could get animals and people into the same shot.....
Its such a pretty scene, yet, slightly bitter for sesshoumaru, since he doesn't know how to change back.
I love it though. I cant wait to read the next chapter.
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