these were cute and entertaining! Great work! There were a few extra/unneeded spaces, grammatical errors, and a quick check of tense usage would help the flow of your drabbles. Keep up the good work!
Hairann (Chapter 6) - Thu 18 Nov 2010
Interesting drabbles though I would recommend giving them a quick edit. There are a few words capitalized that shouldn't be, spaces before periods and even two spaces in between some words instead of one. But nothing a quick edit won't fix for ya :).
Ikaru (Chapter 6) - Thu 18 Nov 2010
These were and interesting set of drabbles. I would recommend, however, that you go through them and check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors as I noticed quite a few of them throughout your drabbles. This all should only take a quick editing session, other than that you did a fine job with these. Keep up the good work!
I like the drabbles though there were a few spelling errors that I noticed such as in Fleas...Buya should be Buyo, but other then that I really like this. Keep up the good work and I would like to read more from you!
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