Hehe interesting beginning and really hope you come back to working on this story. A few things to point out though, there were a few tenses problems and remember to put the puncuation in the right place. It should be ." or ," not ". or ",.
Good good! My favorite would definately be chapter 2, you captured the attitude of Sesshoumaru fair well and honestly it felt like his attitude in the anime or the manga to me. I wonder if Inu-baka finally catches her? lol Please keep up the good work!
Ja Ne
lol that was agood read. I can imagine it would be easy to forget that sense of smell those dog demons have. And I'd be paranoid! This is a great start. Maybe you could fill out your chapters a little more, with some more details. Dont use FILLER but dtails deffinately add to the story, and the overall enjoyment your readers experience. Great start. MOOOOOOOOOORE!
Ikaru (Chapter 2) - Mon 20 Sep 2010
This has the beginnings of a great chapter story. It was a definate LMAO moment when she realized they could smell that. I truely enjoyed this and will look foreward to more of this story in the future!
Very nice. I can see this as the start of a great chapter story. I can't wait to read the next chapter and omg you got Inuyasha dead on. How funny. She forgot about their sense of smell.
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