Oh, this was a cute, sweet drabble. Leave it to Sesshoumaru to store away information while appearing like he wasn't paying attention.
As soon as you wrote 'fortune telling' and 'folded' I knew exactly what you were talking about but it would have been best to explain what it was for those readers who weren't lucky enough to fall under the spell of the hidden fortunes as a child. Funny as I watching the episode of South Park where Cartman and the boys steal one of them from the girls thinking it was real.
I love how Sess proposed...so 'as a matter of fact' just like he probably would have. Love the fluff!!
Very cute, short and sweet. I liked this whole thing. I like how it took me a little while to figure out what kind of toys you were talking about. Not everything has to be spelled out - some things are better left for the audience to figure out. Anyways, nice job. The only thing I would have liked would have been for you to mention what the prompt was on this one!
Aww – that was so cute!! I thought it was brilliant. Fluff between Kagome and Sesshoumaru is always nice! The first sentence could probably be reworded better, but other than that, excellent job!
ducky out!
Very cute! Next time you might want to explain what drabble contest it was for. It would add some clarification. Also, a little more description of the "toys" in the first paragraph might draw a clearer picture. I wasn't sure what you meant at first. Maybe you could add to it with other drabbles. Keep up the good work.
Obviously this was a drabble and you had to keep it short because of a word limit. As a drabble, it is cute and amusing. As a story it would need development. Next time I would include in your author's notes what you were writing the drabble for. Example: This drabble was written for drabble/drawble night on Dokunga. Word movie, hundred word or less requirement. If you explain what you were going for and why it was so short the reader can better appreciate it.
Hairann (Chapter 1) - Sat 27 Feb 2010
Very cute, decent drabble. I would like to see you continue this, perhaps with other prompts during either drabble night of the challenges that are available on Dokuga Contest, you can find information on these under the fan fiction section of the forums.
Ikaru (Chapter 1) - Fri 26 Feb 2010
well that was short and very sweet, however your description in the first paragraph was a little confusing, but that is probably only me:D i really enjoyed it!!
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