good chapter. i like that kagome got a dralon. And i think that sesshomary should be rins brother. InuTaishou should be the fater. it would be kinda wired for sess to fall in love with kag when he has a doghter. it would only complicaite things i think!
Maybe you can also have some kind og merging of auras, insted of the freaky hair thing?
anyways update soon.
I know you described long hair and not a 'pony tail' while talking about the father of Rin but I still think that with his actions and all, it will be better for Rin's father to be InuTaisho. but it's your story so I will follow the flow even if I prefer Sesshomaru in the role of brother for Rin.
Please, update soon! Can't wait for more and 'see' the Dent! :D
ka_ren (Chapter 6) - Mon 11 Jan 2010
sesshomaru should be a brother or somethin i dont want him to die TT-TT
is a the dralon going to be kagomes pet now? =3
Nakuya-hime (Chapter 5) - Sun 10 Jan 2010
This fic is pure awesomeness! I loved Avatar and I'm glad someone thought of making an Inuyasha crossover with my fave pairing no less. I would guess the princess is Rin obviously. Antyways hope you update soon and kudos for the great job. The imagination that was put into this fic thus far is insane and therefore admirable.
That was the perfect cliff hanger! You're doing a great job portraying Kagome, and I can't wait to see what you're going to do with Sesshomaru. And yes! The scenery at night in Avatar was just amazing! You're doing a great job with the detail of the scenery, too.
I really hope to see him in the next chapter! I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the young princess is Rin. :D I wonder how Kagome is going to be accepted in the demon tribe. I can't wait to see!
Update soon! I'll be waiting. :D
Blair (Chapter 5) - Sun 10 Jan 2010
This is getting really exciting! Will the princesse take kagome back to the dog den? Will they take her in and teach her like they did jake in the movie? And when will sesshomaru come into the picture?
Update soon!
I totally would have reviewed sooner, but I've been out of town for the past couple of days. I just got caught up with the last three chapters and all I have to say is... WOW!!!
You're doing such I great job at this story. You're blending the worlds of Avatar and Inuyasha so well, that you leave me on my the edge of my seat wanting more. By the way, you have to update the next chapter very soon! I want to see how Kagome handles the entire world in the next chapter. Will Sesshomaru make an appearance?! Lol.
Anyway, great job! Update soon! :D
More please! And Is Sesshomaru going to be the demon of the west?
Tisha (Chapter 3) - Tue 05 Jan 2010
ok this is Good, didn't understand where you where coming from so.. I watched the movie. Awesome flic. the na'vi and the humans remind of the the europeans and the native american's. I cannot wait to see how you weave your story. As for Ah un may be treat him like a wild horse. captured and broken in. but he is one of the mean ones so. he will only have one rider because he is special like the war stalons from history long ago. as for the bonding. may be the bridel that is used could be the souce of the link between him and his rider.
Blair (Chapter 3) - Tue 05 Jan 2010
That was mean to stop there! But i am glad you choose to put her in another body, coz if she got kikyos avatar, then it would make kagome kikiyo in a way. I wounder wich body she got ?
Anyways good look on your test, and update soon!
Addy (Chapter 2) - Sat 02 Jan 2010
Woah. Definitely not what I was expecting. I loved this so far, although it seems... off somehow. Something in the fandom is askew, and it makes it a bit harder to want to read it than it should be. That's probably because the only fics I usually read on Dokuga are ones that have won the Dokuga awards. This needs a bit of ...something... But I'm not sure what.
I've seen Avatar 4 times, so I hope you make this work.
I loved Avatar, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with for this story. Update soon! :D
Blair (Chapter 1) - Tue 29 Dec 2009
Yeah, i was waithing for a fic like this :) avatar is awesome.
you should deff continue!!!!
really interesting beginning! ^^
can't wait to read more!
I have a feeling that it won't be as easy as to jusr go there, take the 'rocks' and come back, right? :P
please, update soon!!!
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