This mystery surrounding the pup is KILLING me! What is he?
Sesshoumaru's starting to get affected by Kagome even in his normal state. Perhaps he's starting to kind of merge with the beast like he was supposed to a long time ago. It doesn't make sense that the beast and Sesshoumaru would continually be in discord with one another since they're technically the same person.
I wonder if Kagome was awake or if she had fallen asleep somewhere in between.
Another great chapter, Maddie. Since you said not to kill you in the beginning, I was prepared for a really OMG ending, but I guess since I braced myself, it wasn't THAT bad. But I do really want to know what happens just keeps building in this story.
Another wonderful chapter. I've been gone for a bit and came back to the last 3 chapters and I'm really happy with how the story is progressing. Keep up the good work.
Amazingggg Chapter Madison!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well...what can I say? Really?? Everytime I think it can't get any better the next chapter manages to throw that right out the window. Amazing...truly, absolutely stunning chapter. I don't even know where to begin there's just so much!
I really have to wonder what's going on with Kiyoshi. From the beginning Kagome has suffered through the pregnancy and now if I understand what I read correctly, the pain she has been experiencing is coming from him. But I wonder why he could be in pain? Could it be a lack of connection with his father? A lack of love between his parents? Maybe this is his way to bring them closer together. He seems to be a bright little thing and he's not even born yet. Perhaps he wishes for his parents to be happy together and he is doing whatever he can to bring them together. Hmmmss I can't wait for it all to be explained.
Brazil huh...I have to say that they are certainly getting a world tour. I feel really bad for that flight attendant though LoL. I actually snorted and laughed when he told her to go away. Typical Sesshoumaru behavior LOL!
Sesshoumaru's thoughts on whether or not he would be a good father were very well justified. The time he lived in when he was a father to Rin and the time now where Kiyoshi will be born are two different entities. The things he taught Rin aren't going to work in the modern era. Couple that with the fact that Kiyoshi will have a mother he's going to have to re-think his whole approach. He doesn't know how to be a true father. Sure he can provide security and stability and teach him about who he is but there are things that he can't teach him like love, understanding, and compassion. Sure he can learn all of that from Kagome but it would be very hard for a child to feel that those things were only one sided. He will need to learn all things from both of his parents, not just certain areas. For that Sesshoumaru still has some "Growing Up" to do if you will. I think that is where Kagome's influence on Sesshoumaru is going to be big. She is going to be the one to teach him all of the things he doesn't know.
I have to say I don't think I have been more proud of Kagome than I have been in this chapter. Her realization that she NEEDED the beast for help was huge. Sure she was in no way shape or form happy about it but she accepted it. She understood that something was seriously wrong and that the only one who could help her was the beast. Sesshoumaru's reservations about releasing said beast were a further testatment to how much he really wants to prove himself to Kagome. He was worried because he had no idea what was going to happen and he didn't want her to get hurt. In the past he didn't give a damn if she was hurting or not but now that he has "bonded"with her, for lack of a better term, he worries. I also have to tip my hat to the beast himself. I was glad he understood that there was something wrong and that this wasn't a grope fest. He was willing to put aside most of his desires for Kagome in an attempt to help her and his son. He does love them both very much and I think perhaps he has learned a bit too but we can only hope.
I had my jaw on the floor when it came to the kiss. I know the Sesshoumaru was starting to feel a little more for Kagome but the fact that he actively finished the kiss when he was in full control speaks volumes. I can only begin to imagine what is going through his head right now. He's worried that he'll damage the already volitle relationship he has built with Kagome and possibly worried that he'll lose her trust. I wonder if he's going to tell her or if he's going to keep it to himself. I'm really giddy for the next chapter in ways you can't imagine LoL.
Excellent work as always!! You made my Friday with your update I just didn't get a chance to review until now because I have decided to spend most of my weekend in bed LoL. I'm feeling a little funny so I haven't done much. But I have to admit it's amusing to watch my hubby be my slave for the last week...I'm going to miss off topic!! Best wishes as always and **Big Huggs**
Ohhh I love the whole sneaking a kiss! Also will Sesshomaru be able to find a doctor to help them figure out what's going on with Kagomes Pregnancy? I Wonders what else could go wrong.
Hmm. I don't see any reason to hate you. I know that Kagome's gonna be going inot labour soon though. :P
very interesting!
I love this story. In the beginning, I felt so bad for what Kagome was going through and was happy she was able to get away from him in the past.
Keep up the great work
Oh gosh, sweetheart, how can anyone be mad at you for how this amazing chapter turned out?? Thank you soooo much for the update, I had a great time reading it on my iPhone in bed last night! I have no idea why iPhone did not allow me to leave a review, but here I am with my review!
Firstly, Kagome is making me a little upset with her. Poor Sesshoumaru has already swallowed his pride and attempted to make her feel better. True enough, he raped her and got her pregnant and probably traumatized her really, really badly, but the poor guy deserves a chance! Of course, this is your story so I respect everything you write but the indignant fangirl in me wants to give poor Sesshy a MEGA-HUG now to make him feel better!!! It's like...everything she replies him with seems to come along with the I-am-doing-you-a-favor type of impression. Me wants more progress!! *waves frantically* LOL.
Secondly, the poor pup. Now I am worried for it, and I wonder what you've planned! You brilliant little doll, everything you write is so intriguing and I cannot help but get drawn into the story! Now I keep thinking of all the worst scenarios with regards to what could have happened to the poor baby. Kagome still seems to be in a terrible mess...and I feel sorry for her too; it must be hard carrying a child and running all over the place.
The part with the beast was OMG CREEPY TOTALLY. I was gripping my phone so hard; there were clammy fingerprints LOL. I HONESTLY HONESTLY HONESTLY thought he would try to rape her again and scare her so badly; she will never be the same again. He actually thought she needed 'more attention' and I was going, 'OMG PLEASE NOOOO. YOU DON'T WANT TO DO SOMETHING SO STUPID.' Especially since you gave us a warning about not killing you. OMG. PHEW Thank goodness, he didn't.
And then, the part that got me squealing and feeling all fuzzy and fluffy like an oversized ball of candy floss came!!! OMG OMG DID HE ACTUALLY DO THAT!!! He KISSED her!! ON HIS OWN ACCORD. NOT BEAST-MARU but SESSHOUMARU!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOO! THAT WAS SUCH A SWEET MOMENT. ME LIKES VERY VERY MUCH INDEED. *inserts loads of floating hearts and glitter* And the way you described his actions after kissing her was totally beautiful. It's just amazing. I kept seeing the scene in my mind.
Once again, fantastic chapter as always! Please, MOREEEEE. <3 <3 <3
Seems Sesshomaru is having deeper issues than even he realizes. I wish Kagome could be more understanding, but, she acts like she is just as of afraid of the "in control" Sesshoumaru. Kagome seems to over kill the situation. Im really starting to feel sorry for Sesshoumaru. This chapter was good, it gave more insight into both Sesshoumaru and Kagome. It just looks like these two are not going to trust enough to get together and I so want them to get together. Again, great story!
Awsomeee chapterrr I love how thier making progresss, slowely but surely!!! oooo sesshomaru finished the kisss... interesting maybe he will soon realise that he actually wants to keep her!! and kagome not feeling overwhelming fear when he first came progress!! man i really want to know whats up with the pup!! I have a few theories but i guess i just have to wait and see if im right! :)
keep going!! can't wait!
yay and early update! You have no idea how this mae my day. I really needed a pick-me-up. And the ending was GREAT! So Sesshomaru... not just the beast, but the man, kissed Kagome! I hope we get some insight into this in the next chapter. I wonder what he's thinking? Surely he'll try to rationalize it away. Is Kagome aware enough to know what happened? How is she feeling and reflecting on the beast after we was so gentle with her, so caring, and attentive. Its nice that she knows that the beast does genuinly care (even if in his own twisted way) And it speaks volumes of her that she let the beast come to assist her for her son. Looking forward to more! :)
Oh yeah...Sesshoumaru is going to have to admit that his beast isn't the only one that wants Kagome--soon I hope!
AHHHH WHAT AN INTENSE CHAPTER!!! I can't wait until you add the next chapther!!! Lol it was soooo goood! I can't believe she trusted him enough to let the beast out!! Keep up the GREAT work!! PLEASE UPDATE SOOON
How come the beast always blames Sesshomaru??
And now im wondering about the pup again. *cries*
did i read it right Sesshomaru finished a kiss off that the beast started?
Stilling loving it sweetie cant wait for the update mate.
Totally awesome!
That darn Kouga, still so stubborn. Even though he would never mean to, I forsee him still causing her some problems in the near future.
I'm curious. I know you meant to show differences between her interactions with Sesshoumaru and Kouga, but why the omission of her movie with Koga? Granted, her being alone and having actual "hang out" time with Sesshoumaru is pretty interesting. And kudos to Kagome for not freakin' out with a half naked Sessh in her personal space. She is sticking to the promise of moving on. Also, will there be anymore attempts to form the connection?
heh, I'm askin' all these questions like you can actually answer me! XP
Ah, Kouga. At least the problem seems to be temporarily pushed into the future. I wonder when he shall appear again. I like the steady progress of Sesshoumaru and Kagome's comfort with each other. It makes you wonder what it would have been like if the memory of what had happened in the past hadn't been hanging over them and they had just met in the future at some point. The story is still going strong, my dear. Keep it up :)
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