This chapter answered my own question as to why she did not just purify the jewel. She's not mentally stable enough to do it without it overpowering her with all her instabilities and fears. She's just not strong enough right now but she had better work on that because she's going to need all of her power and then some for what's facing her. Maybe by working together without the beast around, they can come to understand each other better and she can rid herself of some of her fear. Plus, he will be exposed more to his pup as it grows in her womb and at times it may take his touch or growl to calm it if it gets upset. Also, it may act up being in his presence and wanting to bond with him.
OMG! I was so pissed when I read that Sesshoumaru placed microphones in Kagome's house. I mean really!?! What right does he have doing that especially considering what he put Kagome through. I think that Kagome was right in being completely angry and questioning if she will ever have any peace in her life again. Another thing that pissed me off was Sesshoumaru even considering taking care of the baby and not minding if it would include Kagome or not. I mean does he really think think that Kagome will just hand over her son after all the cruel things she witnessed being done by Sesshoumaru? Never mind if it was his beast or not. I don't think that Sesshoumaru is even considering the fact that Kagome wants this child and she'll do everything in her power (literally) to keep it from Sesshoumaru. I mean I don't think that she wants her son to grow up just to be like Sesshoumaru. Right? I really cant wait to see what happens when the journey finally begins. I mean what will the both of them say to each other during the search of the shikon shards. Will they really hate each other indefinitely or will they somehow reconcile, Thank your for this chapter and cant wait for the next one to come out! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Great Chapter :) I'm so excited for the next one!!
Did you have to kill Shippo off???? Really did you i would loved shippo to be in the story even if it was an old man, least kagome and him couldve said goodbyes.
Stilling loving this story, Please Update Soon i wanna Ready about Sesshomaru and what he has been up to in the last 500 years.
Cheers Mate
wow. poor Kags, so Sess also wants custody? cant wait to see what happens next!
please update!!
Ooohhhh!!! i cant wait 2 see what happens next, r they gonna get along or what & id like 2 see how sesshomaru can get the baby from kagome. if he did manage 2 get the baby, kagome would probably cry 2 death or something like that. anyways awesome chapter! plz update ASAP!!!!!
Sesshoumaru is strange. I just would like to smack him up side the head but if that were possible he would end everything for being touched, Will he ever love her?
YAY! Another chapter!!! Wow, I feel really sorry for what Kagome is going through. It must really be hard for her, but hopefully as the story develops everything will start to become better for her. Well, what can I say I will need to wait for another chapter to find out! Please update as soon as you can! You have a fan in me! XD
~ MoonFlower77 =3
grrr!*tears hair out* the pace is driving me CCRRRAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYY!
Excellent! In every way! I am soooo enjoying this! But Kagome's stress level has to be off the charts. That can't be good for her baby...
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy an update!! Hope school isn't taking too much out of you, I remember those days. I was really glad you had Shippo have at least a happy ending. He lived, grew old, and died. I would have hated for something to happen to him though arguably he is my least favorite character in the manga. I also like how you put Jakens thoughts in there; it's not often that we hear what the little imp is thinking and feeling in fanfiction. I have to agree with another reviewer, I do kind of feel bad for Sesshoumaru in this. He never wanted it it was forced on him just as much as it was forced on her and now he is stuck with the aftermath. I am highly intrigued as to what he has planned for when the baby is born. Hopefully he won't just swoop in and take him away from her because I think that would completely break her. Despite the circumstances it is still her child and no matter what she will love it with everything she has. Ahh this story has me sucked in like there is no tomorrow; it's like a drug I got the email at work that you had updated and started jumping up and down and my co-workers just looked at me like I have three heads or something. I guess it's good to be the boss because I can just tell them to go back to work and ignore me LOL!! Wonderful chapter as always and I can't wait for the next one!!!
~~Daniella a.k.a. Sesshoumarusprincess~~
well i'm not sure kagome defines *out of her life* like sesshoumaru does, i think she thinks more of it as in out of her AND the pups life :*
I#m sure both are up for a little suprise on this one ;)
very please update soon!!!!!!!
what happened to the updates. T____T
Aww was hoping you wouldve updated by now. *cries*
I want know what Kagome is going to, is she going to travel with sesshomaru and finish the jewel. I guessing she will. well i hope she does anyway.
AFter reading one review and the question was asked how can there be 2 jewels My Theories: just a theory on why she didnt sense it, the sutra that was on it couldve stopped the power from coming from it and stopping her from sensing it. Another theory she was too distacted to notice it with what was going on with her and Inuyasha. Or both theories are connected.
Also Kagome being born with the jewel, she is still a reincarnation of Kikyo, so most of the events that happened would still happen, Unless Sesshomaru put a stop to it which he hasnt.
I am also wondering if we will be seeing the Beast again. i know he saw alot of them when they were in the past, but will we see him in the present?
Sesshomaru's story of the 500 years im so looking forward to that.
Cheers Mate.
The first fic I’ve ever read by you was the Kinky series. And then I author-stalked and started devouring every single fic you’ve written. I love reading angst – which is odd considering I’m a really happy person… ^___^;; Your fic caused that uncomfortable lump to form at my throat – the kind that makes you want to cry but also hold back for the sake of Kagome (odd, I know).
This is an interesting piece because I have a lot of sympathy for Sesshoumaru. (Normally, I just sympathize with Kagome… after all, she is the rape victim…) However, I think that Sesshoumaru is just as much of a rape victim as Kagome is. He is an unwilling participant who is taken over by his beast periodically. Sesshoumaru likes to stay in control, and when that control is broken by his beast’s lust for Kagome, he is angry and confused.
Sesshoumaru is merely a product of his time, so his actions are softened – though no less reprehensible.
I’m glad that you avoided the whole “she falls in love with him after making sex feel good” crap. Rape is rape is rape – no matter the feelings. She hates herself for the sensations Sesshoumaru causes in her, and I find myself sympathizing tremendously.
Now, here comes the nitpicking freak that is me: how did Kagome have the jewel within her body and jump down the well when the shikon jewel was incomplete and in sesshoumaru’s possession? When Kagome was fifteen, Mistress Centipede ripped the jewel from her body and dragged her down the well. If Sesshoumaru had been carrying the incomplete jewel for five hundred years, how do you explain the presence of two jewels?
Let’s say that when Kagome was fifteen and still had the jewel in her body, it was dormant and thus freeing it from any sort of reaction with the incomplete jewel that sessh has. However, when the shikon escaped her body and was subsequently shattered, the jewel was definitely active. How could Kagome not sense the incomplete jewel in Sesshoumaru’s possession? Did the jewels create some sort of magical time flux that allowed it to exist in the same time versus space plane?
Lol – I’m a nerd… >.< You can ignore all those questions… I just find your fic incredibly interesting so I cant help but look at every little detail. -___-;;; Great writing and please update when you can!
loyal reader #123456789
ducky out!
I have never read such an original and compelling fanfiction ever! I check for updates almost daily and read every word of every chapter occassionally glancing at how much more of the page I have, dreading when it gets low! It don't want the chapters to end! It is sooooo good.
You have presented things to me before that I HATED (Kagome pregnant, character deaths, alternative universe future stuff) but I cannot get enough of it in this story! Each of the things I've mentioned were executed beautifully and well within the borders of the characters personalities. This story is perfect, amazing, phenomenal and I cannot wait to read each new sentence.
The Sesshoumaru progression is PERFECT. I cannot believe how well you portray him AND Kagome! The plot gives me chills and when Kagome opened the box, my mouth was agape! This is a magnificent storyline and you are truly talented for coming up with something so original that actually seemed like it could happen and wasn't so AU garbage that I wanted to throw up.
All I can say is, wow. WOW. Please update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Hey Hey
Just wondering when you will update again??? I do really love this story, and that they are in the future its even better. Please Update Soon
I'm still loving this fic! I can not wait for your next update :) I will be patiently awaiting your next chapter until next time! keep up the great work! good luck :)
Love your loyal reader,
never let them see you cry
Hehehehe Kagome being related to rin was just great. cant wait for more
I am really this story you have written! I just came upon it today when I was looking at the fanart picture about your story and decided to read it. I can't tell you how magnificent your writing is!!! The plot is very interesting and simply it is a very enjoyable read!!! I can't wait for the next update!!! XD
~ MoonFlower77 ^_^
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