Some pretty good poetry, however Im finding it difficult to understand how they fit in the Sess/Kag fandom. There were a few capitalization issues, and a possible missing word here and there, but nothing a little editing won't fix. I think you did very well with this, and Ill look foreward to more of your work in the future:D
Overall some decent poetry. There were a couple of misspelled words but that happens. They don't seem Kagome/ Sesshoumaru specific though. However, I think you should continue to write poetry, you seem to have a knack.
This is interesting, but I don't really understand how it is relation to Sesshoumaru/Kagome at all. Maybe you could add an author's note? There are some obvious spelling errors, and some words that are repeated (in the second poem, you repeated 'the' twice in a row). Try to run stuff through spellcheck, no matter where you post it. Thanks!
It was an interesting read but what makes it a Sess/Kag poem. There are a couple of obvious spelling errors : Thounght instead of thought; afriad instead of afraid. As a poem it's decently written but you never mention either in it or before/after what triggers it.
Hairann (Chapter 3) - Sun 04 Apr 2010
Pretty decent poetry, though I did notice a few gammar issues such as words not starting with a captial when they should, or starting with one when they shouldn't. And a bit confused on how the poems are Kagome and Sesshoumaru related. I realize it can be hard to work them into poetry, so I would recommend adding an AN that explains how you incorperated them into your poems.
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