Oh yeah Totosai just layed out the obvious of Shin's sire to her and Kagome's like 'oh no he is not; take that back he is supposed to be Inu Yasha's child not Sesshomaru's' LOL I think in the next two chapters begins the stuggle of who will be full time daddy and a visit from sire... I never like these parts until they go to the castle.
Kathy (Chapter 83) - Wed 17 Jan 2024
Ugh, this all needs to blow open
Honeyque (Chapter 82) - Tue 09 Jan 2024
Well why not push those two together! This whole back and forth between Kagome and Inuyasha is sad, not to mention Kagomes son is getting bigger and more dangerous. Honestly we just had that scare with his poison so he will need Sesshomaru not Inuyasha and I hope Sango can be his cushion when it finally comes out about his son. I don't want to dislike Kagome but this is ridiculous. Thank you for letting me rant and great story so far.
Honeyque (Chapter 82) - Tue 09 Jan 2024
Well why not push those two together! This whole back and forth between Kagome and Inuyasha is sad, not to mention Kagomes son is getting bigger and more dangerous. Honestly we just had that scare with his poison so he will need Sesshomaru not Inuyasha and I hope Sango can be his cushion when it finally comes out about his son. I don't want to dislike Kagome but this is ridiculous. Thank you for letting me rant and great story so far.
Azuraskye21 (Chapter 80) - Fri 22 Dec 2023
Kagome, girl admit it that you love sesshomaru...not inuyasha. But at that jab from inuyasha to her, I wouldn't be surprised if hes also cheating on her too. Wonderful update as always, hope you have a good christmas.
Someone (Chapter 80) - Wed 20 Dec 2023
Okay... when... when is Kagome going to realize she loves Sessh not Inuyasha. I need it!!
Another grand chapter, loved it I'm just waiting for most of the drama to play out until the three get together... Now that's the fun part.
Tai (Chapter 79) - Thu 07 Dec 2023
Thank you for the update!!!
Sarah (Chapter 79) - Wed 06 Dec 2023
Okay so..... please update soon. I need more!!!
Kathy (Chapter 79) - Tue 05 Dec 2023
This is one of the best stories out there... And it's such a rollercoaster of emotions
Ah I remember that now... Sad if only Kagome took better caution Miroku wouldn't have seen.... Man that's sad and now Inu Yasha knows Kagome's secret about Miroku so lets see what happens next.
Kathy (Chapter 78) - Tue 28 Nov 2023
Love this story
Azuraskye21 (Chapter 77) - Wed 22 Nov 2023
Noooo Not miroku!!!! :(
For the life of me I can't remember Miroku dying the last time I read this.... Something I missed or just forgot but man this is a blow to know he died but what caused it or who?
So close, but I think its the birthing of the lady and then Sango oh man that's a tough one then confronting Inu Yasha.... just waiting watching the clock tic second by second.... lol update soon.
DD (Chapter 75) - Mon 06 Nov 2023
Ohhhhhhhhhhh..... we reached that point!!!!! I can't with anticipation. I hope sess just comes pick her up in tears with his son walk off into the forest with them.
I also so Nervous inuyasha just going to laugh be like already knew he lose his shit in different way at her. Like for being seen. So maby paths idk
So on edge!!!!
Azuraskye21 (Chapter 75) - Sun 05 Nov 2023
ooooooh SNAP!!! Will she finally tell the truth?! She clearly loves sesshomaru but miroku is right, it's unfair and cruel for everyone.
Tai (Chapter 75) - Sat 04 Nov 2023
Kagome is so wretched in this story!! Is there any penance? She neeeds to end up alone, after all she says and Sesshomaru goes back to her, does he have any self respect? Omg so many questions. I love your writing! ahh I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter!
Oh yes finally what I call the halfway point.... Boy Miroku is pissed and Inu Yasha well he's another story, but Sango will hate Kagome for what she has done...
Sess2023 (Chapter 74) - Fri 27 Oct 2023
Sesshoumaru is right, of course, because I think Kagome is going to continue being in denial...at least for a little while . ;p
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