Que imaginacion tienes me gustó tu corta historia
Michele_Lei (Chapter 3) - Sun 21 Nov 2021
Sssssoooo sssssatisfying! Sssssssesshomaru is ssssexy in every sssshape and form! Kudossssss to the author! Sssssuperlative sssskill and talent!
ArtyMoon (Chapter 3) - Tue 07 Sep 2021
I loved this! I have a thing for bags books on kindle (Tree of Dream's and Vori's Mate to name a couple of my favorites) but none of them are a Sesshoumaru naga. Talk about an inspired combination. Thanks for writing it!
I actually really love your monster stories! Its so interesting to see these two in ways outside of what they usually are, and to see how they have sex or relate based on those new differences. So original!
Very good! Creative
Lorena (Chapter 3) - Fri 28 May 2021
Yup. This was EXCELLENT! I had no way of anticipating this plot, but I'm satisfied like if all the points I needed got checked off, but I think it did; You kept their personalities in tact so well that of course this went down the way it did. A+++
Too bad he can't hide but honestly this is great!! We need more stories like this!! I can't even give a proper detail review like a typically do because this was so good. I'm far too excited.
I have been dying for a story like this!! They're really rare to find though I've found a few. They're always short though. It's always the good ones!
Oh gurl! That was just wicked good!
Wow just wow! I'm speechless! Really! I never expected Naga Sesshoumaru can be this sexy... And kagome charmed this sexy snakeman or rather I didn't expect sesskag can be written beautifully and sexy this way... Thank you for writing this! I wish naga sess and kag live happily ever after and have a lot of babies!
KayAkuma (Chapter 3) - Mon 22 Mar 2021
This was a great short fic! I loved it. And would love to read the other ones (vampire/werewolf) that have tumbled in your brain, lol. I love reading everything you write! <3
Very nice story. I really enjoyed it.
D (Chapter 3) - Sat 20 Mar 2021
Man. Imagining their relationship play out in the future without your words isn't as great, but I love it. You the real MVP with your stories mythic, I'm here for all of it!
I absolutely loved this. This screamed DP and had me waiting for it :(
Sad to read its end, loved the story it was fun.... Thank you.
dang only 3 this is really good but all good things must come to an end i suppose. was just getting into the story. sad its gonna go when i felt it only just begun XD awesome writing
So interesting to read. Normally I wouldn't care for any physical changes - especially something so...other. But this is a genuinely fun read!
That was breathtaking! Whew! Is it hot in here? The girl may never go home!
This is such a fun and different story!
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