This is so good. I love it! I been reading it all day. I loved ever second of it. Btw the sexy part is so good. Its believable. Great work. Thanks for sharing
Omg I hope that you'll find the drive to continue writing wonderful SessKag fics! Tbh your story is what first pulled me into SessKag fic. I never regretted that decision and tbh very happy to stumble upon them through your stories! No matter what, I'll always cheer you on, Author-san! And I also hope that everything will be working out for you *virtual hugs*
SmilingFool (Chapter 28) - Thu 22 Jul 2021
Oh poor Kagome not knowing what will happen with her son... Like Sesshomaru said Hikaru is their son no matter what. Visitation would be open to the family only if they meant no harm or foul. Oh Sesshomaru is a teaser... Kagome liked that.. and what's this she finally gave in... Woo hoo
You did a great job on your lemon! I love how they left his mom with Shippo while they mate, xD. Gave me a good giggle, even though she did show up unexpectedly and they didn't plan it.
Hope to see update soon! Great story!
Oh boy, a mystery and and adventure!
Oh that was good.... Well one way or the other Kagome is going to learn what happened to the mother of her pup and who this unknown male is. It seems he may not be all that the female thought he was then fled her the child which one or more retaliated. Hm am I even close? loved Noriko and Inu Yasha they seem to like one another.
Paulina (Chapter 26) - Wed 30 Jun 2021
Me encanta este Fic! me gusta mucho como va la historia y tu modo de contarla.
I'm not sure how I've never read this story before or stumbled upon it until now. It's a great read and everyone is so in-character it just makes me happy inside. Can't wait for the next update.
SmilingFool (Chapter 24) - Tue 25 May 2021
Oh that was good too good... Can't wait to see what happens next.
hw (Chapter 23) - Sun 09 May 2021
This was really cute! Loved the awkwardness and how Kagome's silly plan backfired. I'm intrigued to find out what happens at dinner!
Don't apologize for the late chapter; it sounds like you've had a hard time lately. I hope things get better for you soon and that writing becomes a joy again instead of a chore. Sending hugs your way!
SmilingFool (Chapter 23) - Wed 05 May 2021
OMG that was funny, though I feel for Inuyasha he's trying but his brashness sticks it ugly head out every so often making his plight worse or better on occasions. Can't wait to see what Kagome has planned hope its funny.
Carlyn (Chapter 1) - Tue 23 Mar 2021
I love that he's telling himself he's doing this out of boredom. Hahaha!
At least they are getting along and agreed to meet the ladies without running..... This was a cute chapter...
Jade (Chapter 20) - Tue 02 Feb 2021
This is so fun! Love the interactions!
Trying to decide when the first appreciable angst will make itself known. Wondering if Sesshomaru and Miroku are trying to track down the extended family or to figure out where Hikaru came from.
Haha, think Kagome think
Seichou (Chapter 19) - Thu 07 Jan 2021
I'm enjoying. I eagerly await your next chapter.
OMG he finally told her ..... Wow that was too cool finally..... Can't wait to read more.
Awwh! Im glad that she knows and i cant wait for whats next
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