*~*About Me*~*
What can I say really...
Well I am a very, very bubbly lass, who smiles almost all of the time.
As well as being overly bubbly and happy I am also a tiny bit insane.... oh all right, I'm as mad as a hatter but in a good way. LOL!
*~*My Interests*~*
Watching and reading manga and anime, Arts and crafts, Drawing and Writing, Digital Art, Table-top Rpg, Gaming, The Paranormal, Spiritual and Alternative Healing, Crystals and Aromatherapy, Socializing and Hugs
*~*My Likes*~*
My Siamese Cats, Chocolate, Hugs, The Rain, Anything anime or manga related, Making New Friends
*~*My Dislikes*~*
Bananas, Cold Days, My Hayfever, Badly Dub-ed or Sub-ed Anime or Manga, Creative and Writers Block
*~*My Fears*~*
Spiders, Heights, Enclosed Spaces (It’s not fun being claustrophobic), Nuts (Pecans, they will kill me, literally), Needles
*~*My Dreams*~*
To go Japan and Italy, To swim with dolphins, To one day have some of my written work and poems published
*~*Wise Words*~*
‘Don’t let the little things in life stop you or get you down.’
This was never a truer statement. For example even though I get paranoid about my writing because I am Dyslexic and have Irlen Syndrome, I don’t let it deter me from doing something I enjoy doing.
*~*Places I can be found under the name of Sumisung*~*
Deviantart.com MediaMiner.org
*~*That’s All For Now*~*
Ok so I think that is enough random information about me for now, if I think of anything else I may add to it all. Lol!
Feel free to contact me for any reason. I don’t bite unless you ask real nice lol!
Any how have a nice day and Happy Reading.
Sumisung aka Chi |