monogurui Profile Page

About Me

I have been told I'm amazingly awesome, and if you don't think so, well frankly you can kick rocks. If you do then I feel obligated to tell you that I'm no good in relationships, so it's best to find somebody else to obsess over, and if you don't care either way, then we could go places. Amazing places.

When I put some stories up, I'll put some stuff on here about them.

I've been hired on a four year contract at this major corporation called college, and so far so good. They haven't kicked me out for having Hellboy, my iguana, so it's pretty obvious I have ninja skills. In my spare time I like to doodle pictures in inappropriate places, make my own graphic t-shirts, count geometric shapes, and spar the punching bag in my backyard. Call me Mo.

MSN: monogurui.

User Status

16 years ago
15 years ago
16 years ago


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Name Entry
D.S Anno

Created On: 07/25/2009 11:01:29

WOO HOO!! I'm the first to comment to you!!! lol. Hey there! Welcome to Dokuga! I'm Anno, a poor country boy from Kentucky who draws Fan Art here at Dokuga lol.

I hope you like it here at Dokuga, the people are friendly and helpful.

It was a Pleasure to Meet ya!
D.S Anno

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