Unnoticed Blossoms by Silver

Prologue - Realising

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Unnoticed, she stood in the shadows at the edge of the crowd; trying and successfully blending into the background. No one would see the young woman in her soft pink modest evening dress, the slight tremble of her full lips nor the ebb and flow of pain in the depth of her eyes. Elite social gatherings were as such, people only had eyes for the glamorous. Away from her distracted friends, she watched on, pretending everything was fine. But nothing was okay, not anymore and he would never know. Maybe it was for the best, given the current scenario playing out before her this eve. 

All rumours and any mention of him in society held true, the cold facade and cruel reputation superceded him...yet over time she had always hoped for something more and desperately held on to the dream like fantasy. As always, he was a vision to look upon, piercing gaze set in a face so handsome it could rival that of an angel, wide shoulders and a broad chest accentuated in a well fitted dinner jacket, his silver plait draped over the shoulder dropping down to his tapered waist and like his sire he stood tall and proud. Today he drew all in further, especially those of the female persuasion, as he flaunted the elegant beauty on his arm...nevertheless, his very presence also kept them all observing from a safe distance. Perfect, they looked perfect together and how apt it was for the Killing Perfection, Sesshoumaru, to associate himself with this sophisticated cold beauty whom mirrored his cruel smirk. His golden gaze scanned the room in icy arrogance as if to dare them all. Whispered snippets of gossip spread throughout the venue, reactions varying as hushed tones exchanged and passed on details, it would appear there were talks of an engagement.

Kagome came further away, shrinking visibily as her heart sank from the news. Hands clasped whilst fighting the urge to fidget, settling in the end to smooth the fabric of her dress instead. She had been a fool for nuturing her one sided infatuation. Reprimanding herself harshly, thoughts cruel and sad, the young woman turned in on herself. Despair swallowed her soul as she turned her gaze away from the couple, wondering when she had let her secret feelings run away with such abandon, to become so deluded. It was true that she admired him and felt so strongly drawn, struggling to name her emotions she had sought to understand and embrace each encounter. Each pull and tug of her senses, the gentle warmth seeping through her fragile body whenever she was in the same vicinity as he...whatever she had felt, it had blossomed over time.

As a young teen she had happened upon him whilst visiting her childhood friend Inuyasha, even back then he never saw her, as she strolled out into the lush gardens that warm evening. Up until then she only had the pleasure of hearing of him, he studied abroad a lot and Inuyasha would fill her in on his cold and distant older brother. They came from a prestigious line of demons,  Inu Demons to be precise and being the heir, Sesshoumaru was being groomed to take his rightful place for when the time came. Unfortunately, according to her best friend Inuyasha, being a "complete ass" came with the territory. That evening as Kagome strolled out waiting for Inuyasha to catch up, she saw him sat on the bench, exuding confidence with his arm stretched out across the top of the bench and staring up at the night sky as if he was in command of it. He had looked breathtaking, Kagome had thought him a statue at first and marvelled at how his long silver hair swayed in the gentle wind, it was the only thing that gave him away. She had known immediately who he was going by the family resemblance. He looked like an angel, an angel in solitude, it was a strange thought given what he actually was. She had frozen in that moment, overcome by an unfamiliar sensation, akin to a warm liquid flowing beneath the surface of her skin. Unbidden, the notion to approach him crept into her mind, pulling her towards him. Heartbeat rising, breathless, she had shaken her head to clear her mind and forced herself to move on. This act broke whatever spell it was she was under. Silently she had walked away that night, glad for not having attracted his attention; knowing of his disdain for humans had hasten her pace. And so for the next few years she would observe him from afar only, observation became infatuation and that too something more....something too precious to name. Kagome had lost track of her feelings; by the time she realised it was a little too late.

The shy little miko was much loved and adored by those close to her, she was the epitome of innocence and had a child like vulnerability, a rare quality even for those who shared her spiritual heritage. The dainty creature was blessed with a petite figure and long midnight tresses, but what further set her apart was her gem like ocean blue eyes; hidden consistently behind a pair of glasses and a endearing fringe. If it was not for Inuyasha she would have great difficulty in fending for herself against the male population. She hid behind her friends, her plain clothes and her beloved books. She came from a very small but loving family, her mama, grandpa and little brother Souta, they were her life. Her father, a well known and gifted priest, had tragically passed away when she was younger and nothing could ever replace him. It was this loss, the reason why she was so reserved and only a special few knew the real Kagome; a primary reason why she never approached the young stoic heir fearing he would ridicule her attempt at friendship and her curiosity of him. 

Kagome quietly made her way out into the garden,escaping from the crowded room, deep in thought she realised it was not his looks that stole her heart, no it was never just that...she was not that shallow or vain, but only felt curious and sorry for him to begin with. So cold and alone, why would anyone want be this way? Over the years, little by little she learnt about Sesshoumaru, how he had lost his mother at a young age and like Kagome he had also been really close to his parent, her death changed him irrevocably. The great Lord Inu Taisho met and mated Inuyasha's human mother, this newfound happiness gave him reason to hope that this would bring Sesshoumaru back, but alas it only made matters worse...Sesshoumaru only saw it as a betrayal to the memories of his mother. Being the compassionate creature that she was, Kagome felt sad for him and tried to understand the pain he must have felt, because surely he was not that void of emotions, right?

Once he returned from abroad he worked hard and even began to work for his father's company at a young age, her admiration grew, maybe it was the way he seemed so lonely even as powerful as he was today which endeared her to him. Or was it the way he practiced kenjutsu when he thought no one else was around or perhaps the manner in which he gently caressed the katana...defying his very nature and being. This was a riddle she had tried but failed to unravel. Every other weekend, she would come over to study with Inuyasha, the elder Taisho's often away to attend numerous social and business events. Inuyasha would sneak off to meet his girlfriend Kikiyo, content to leave Kagome to study in peace in their scenic home, it was a mutual arrangement between the two. An arrangement which meant she could secretly study him, to observe and maybe one day understand this inexplicable pull. They were precious and treasured moments for her, each one inviting the same odd warm sensation she had felt from the first time. 

Kagome shook her head gently, soft ebony waves swaying with the motion, there really was no point. Her heart felt heavy and she let out a little sigh, chest rising and falling slightly. Something was not right, she could not have read him wrong. She ran her eyes over the sakura trees lining the edge of the gardens, bathed in the moonlight, they were in full blossom. Normally, the sight would bring her so much joy, but not tonight, lifting her head up Kagome searched the heavens for a moment and shuddered slightly as the gentle breeze picked up. 

Overbearing silence met her, weighing her small shoulders down. Tears stole away from her deep blue eyes as they fluttered shut, threatening to break free and run along her pale cheeks. Kagome held herself as pain suddently seized her chest, she could only hope Inuyasha and the others had not noticed her gone. The breeze picked up once more and she felt it run across the nape of her neck, goosebumps crawled across her bare arms and a shiver slithered down her delicate spine...a whisper perhaps or a faint touch on her shoulder was felt. Kagome, eyes wide turned slowly...not a soul in sight, she blinked to rid her eyes of the moisture and checked again, no nothing, everyone was still inside. Her heart thudded inside her chest, she could have sworn someone was there, with a trembling hand she wiped away the evidence of her heartache and made her way back inside.

A lone figure stood leaning at the tall window, champagne flute in one claw, he had managed to slip away from the rest and watched the young woman, smug smirk played at the corner of his lips, golden gaze narrowed in cruel contempt and a deep growl rumbled in his chest...he had noticed and a payment was long due.