Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san I as the Authoress of AMTP make no claim to it.
GM DDN-3/23/13
Prompt: He Who Must Be Obeyed
“Why did she do it?” Sesshomaru asked himself.
Kagome knew the rules to their game as well as he. So why would she disobey, he wondered. Theirs was a softer form of BDSM, yet on occasion Sesshomaru liked seeing marks on His miko. At the beginning of The Game as they had taken to calling it... Sesshomaru was shocked to find Kagome even desired such things. Still pure, it seemed strange to him that she would. Though among Youkai couples t'was not unheard of. She being ningen it was indeed odd at first. But now that they were mated it wasn't any longer.
Oh, how Inuyasha had raged when he found out Sesshomaru had taken the Miko to mate. Though if one truly thought about it, it was not hard to see why Kagome accepted his suit. Not only would he give her whatever she needed or desired. But Sesshomaru would and did honor Kagome for herself, first. Not just her power and submission to him as her Lord and mate.
He even treated her kit Shippou as his own pup. Which is why the form her defiance had taken made no sense to him. He would make allowances for a lot of things when it came to Kagome. But this he could not easily forgive. Their one steadfast rule was that she never pleasure herself without his permission. And allow him to watch if he so chose. It was Sesshomaru's right not only as her Lord and mate but also as Kagome's Master. And yet she had defied him, breaking that one simple rule.
Kagome lay before Sesshomaru now. In the traditional bitch position, silent, her face down, ass in the air. Awaiting her punishment, Sesshomaru knew.
“I am He who Must be Obeyed, miko” he whispered.