It’s What Sisters Do by K,T,M

the surprise, or should I say shock


"Beast talking"





Change scene

POV Change


It's What Sisters Do

Chapter 1; the surprise, or should I say shock

It was a beautiful spring's day in the feudal era. Nice and sunny, not to hot, not to cold, and the inu-crew where back at kaede's village. Kagome had gone back to her time to restock, make up some of her school work, and take tests. Sango was under a tree polishing her giant boomerang the Hiraikotsu. Miroku was laying a few feet away unconscious with a huge lump on his head, hand still out stretched as if trying to grope an invisible bottom. Shippo was off playing tag with the village kids. Even Inuyasha was enjoying the day peacefully resting in a tree.

At the well

Kagome had just come back from her time and was making her way back to kaede's hut, when she felt that someone was watching her, not seeing or sensing anyone kagome picked up her pasted. Finally breaking the forest line kagome hurried to kaede's hut, eager to see her friends again. Once inside kaede's hut and after greeting everyone, they all relaxed and enjoyed the day knowing inuyasha would want to continue hunting for shards the next day. Kagome completely forgetting about that strange filling she felt in the forest.

Three days later

Kagome POV

It was a pretty normal day for the inu-group, sango was fuming cause of something miroku did or said, miroku was supporting a red hand mark on his cheek, me and inuyasha were arguing, and shippo and kirara merely shook their heads at our antics, yup a normal day, Even sesshomaru appearance was pretty normal. As usual inuyasha whipped out the tetsusaiga and charge at sesshomaru, who easily pulls out tokijin to deflect the attack, and so the battle continues as usual with inuyasha sustaining most if not all of the wounds, while sesshomaru had none. The two brothers were just about to clash together when suddenly we all heard a really loud call of "seeeeeeeeessshy-kuuuuuuun", and then me and the whole inu-group watched as a white blur attached itself to sesshomaru. When we all looked, I think all of are mouths dropped when we saw a female inu-youkai attached to sesshomaru To say we were all shocked would have been a huge understatement, we were way passed that.

To be continue


A/N so yeah this chap is finally done its hard making filer chaps to the rest of your ideas. So yea hope you liked it please R&R, flames are welcomed. And again sorry if it sucks, I think I'll make this a test chapter and if you like I'll continue

Again please R&R