Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co.
Prompt: Reincarnation
Chapter One
As she sat on the lip of the well, the wind played with her midnight colored hair, glossy and stark in the bright of midday; her natural blue highlights were prominent. Her unfocused blue/gray eyes were intent on nothing near the vicinity of her lap. Within the palm of her hand was the fruits of her labor, the conclusion to an epic and troublesome journey; it had its up and downs and its sad and lovely moments. But in the end, all it really was, was a reminder that she was simply a reincarnation. Doomed, as history was, to repeat. Now a false trinket.
Word Count: 104
A/N: Everytime we have a GMDDN or even just a DDN, I put those snippets here BUT I add to the story on a whim if the fancy strikes me or the characters get to be too much of a hassle, so I'm going to accept Prompts or Key Words from people! You can leave it in a review, or you can PM me or you can do neither :)