Summary: The Higurashi daughters find themselves in the midst of Japanese socialite, there are affections to be rejected, arrogant Daimyos to banter with, and secrets to be revealed. How will they survive? /Drabbles/
Author Note: The following story will be told through 100 worded "ficlets". My author notes will for now on reside on the bottom of every story, it's up to you to read them or not.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, it actually belongs to the brilliant mind of Rumiko Takashi. The Pride and Prejudice plot I based this fan fiction was created by none other than Jane Austen. I just mixed in some creative chaos, I hope I do them justice.
Chapter 1: Husbands
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single Daimyo in possession of a political status and wealth must be in want of a mistress.
Mistress Higurashi pertains to that acclaimed truth, applying it to her five daughters as a daily sutra. To her husband's disappointment she wasn't occupied with ordinary housework, instead the woman filled the girls' mind with instructions to nab a rich husband or anything with a pulse.
Despite their differences the pair truly do love each other.
However with a hand on her hips looming over him, it's obvious that his wife suddenly lost her appeal.