Llamas and Duckies and Cheesecake, Oh My! by DemonQueen17

Llamas and Duckies and Cheesecake, Oh My!

Disclaimer: You know the drill. No ownership or profit from Inuyasha.

Note: Here are my drabbles for the January 22nd IDDN. Have fun.

Llamas and Duckies and Cheesecake, Oh My!    

Prompt: Llama

Sesshomaru tossed and turned in his sleep. No one was quite sure why, but there he was. Kagome turned over to see what he could possibly be dreaming about. He then started to growl in his sleep as he lifted his arms and started swiping at the air. The taiyoukai then cried out as he woke up in a cold sweat. Kagome only looked at him strangely. "What is the matter with you?"

Sesshomaru could only shake his head. "It was a nightmare. They were the most hideous creature this Sesshomaru has ever seen. I had no choice but to do away with them."

"And what were those oh-so-hideous creatures the great Sesshomaru vanquished?"

"Those things we saw at the zoo...those accursed llamas."

Kagome only narrowed her eyes at her mate. "You silly baka. I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight."

Prompt: Duck

Sesshomaru was livid. The kitsune was dead meat as he continued to run away from the Western Lord. Shippo didn't mean to put THAT powder into his dish. Inuyasha was walking down the corridor when he saw Shippo being chased by a duck with white feathers and VERY familiar markings on its head. Finally, the duck flew and pounced on the cowering kitsune, whacking him on the head with its bill before quacking out its fury and flying back to the Western Lord's chambers. Kagome was coming from the training dojo and met up with Inuyasha and was confused at Inuyasha's expression. "I could have sworn I saw a pissed off duck with Sesshomaru's markings chasing the runt. I wonder what he did this time."

Kagome sighed. "I warned Shippo about mixing his transformation powders with the spices. He can't get out of this time when Sesshomaru's back to normal."

Prompt: Fuzzy

Inuyasha woke up in a fuzzy haze. One minute he was with his best friend, Kagome. The next minute he's in a room with none other than Jakotsu. "No, it can't be. You died. Why are you here again?"

Jakotsu only smiled. Not only was he alive, but he looked much more powerful than he ever did as he was resurrected as a sensual kitsune. "Well, thanks to Lord Shippo and Lord Sesshomaru, I came back for you. Why have just those fuzzy ears of yours when I could have the whole package? By the time I'm done, you will have forgotten all about that Kagome as she now belongs to Lord Shippo and Lord Sesshomaru. I promise you it will be fun." The hanyou only hoped that his friend would be all right after this is over.

Prompt: Funny

Kagome couldn't help but laugh as she got out her camcorder. She had to get this on film. The Inu brothers were extremely drunk as they were dancing a drunken tango, singing rather badly. Sesshomaru twirled Inuyasha clumsily and then dipped him seconds before falling onto the floor, taking his half-brother with him. The hanyou smiled drunkenly. "I luh you. Ya know I do. I don' understand why we fight so much."

Sesshomaru looked down at him and smiled. "I fight with you so much 'cause...cause...I danno. I luh you too, puppy-wuppy." And then he kissed him full on the lips.

Prompt: Cheesecake

Touga couldn't help but savor the cheesecake his daughter-in-law Kagome bought at the bakery. Making sure the coast was clear, he cut a slice of it and started eating it. Of course, as mandated by his mate, Sesshomaru's mother, he couldn't have any as it would drive him to a...frenzy, especially when she was in sight. But he didn't care as he finished his piece. Sated, he sat back and patted his stomach, letting out a loud burp when he caught sight of his mate entering the kitchen. There, she saw the empty plate...and caught the scent of cheesecake in the air. Touga turned to see her standing there and a different kind of hunger began to take over. Swallowing hard, she ran up the stairs with Touga giving chase. Kagome and Sesshomaru had just come home from the movies when they saw his parents chasing each other followed by a door slamming. Kagome could only move out their way. "Okay, what was that about?"

"Only one thing...cheesecake."

That is it. Hope you enjoyed these. Later. ^_^