Uncle Sesshomaru by zodiak023

Chapter 1

There they were fighting Naraku when all of a sudden there was a scream,

“Mama!” Shippo about to run in to help his mama, Sesshomaru grabbed him on the back of his neck,

“That was mama, she’s hurt, I have to do something.” Shippo cried, Sesshomaru moved around to where Inuyasha could see him, he nodded to Inuyasha and gave him the signal that he would work together with him to kill Naraku. Right before they were about to unleash the raw power from their fanged swords there was a glow of pink forming. Sesshomaru watched as Kagome’s soul was starting to darken very slowly, he growled.

~Miko, you have to fight this evil. ~ Sesshomaru almost barked out, all of Kagome’s friends stared at Sesshomaru,

~He looks pissed. ~ Miroku thought to himself, confused.

“Feh, Sesshomaru, are we going to do this or not? He’s killing Kagome!” Inuyasha shouting,

“Just wait.” Sesshomaru slowly backing up with Shippo in his arms, he didn’t want to alert Naraku to what Kagome was going to do. Inuyasha pushed forward, he wasn’t going to let Kagome die even if Sesshomaru backed out of the plan. Sango and Miroku watched Sesshomaru, they landed and backed off of Naraku as Inuyasha full steamed ahead. As soon as Kagome’s power started sizzling on Inuyasha’s skin he backed off, suddenly a huge power wave went through the group and Naraku and reached on for miles, disintegrating every demon that was nearby.

When the light faded Kagome’s group found that they had been safely protected from their friend’s miko powers, they had been protected by a barrier, all but Inuyasha, it had purified him because he was standing so close to Naraku, nothing was left but ashes. No one saw Kagome after that, no body, no blood, nothing, but Sesshomaru knew Kagome wasn’t dead, she wouldn’t have died that easily. Kagome’s pack held a memorial service for Inuyasha and Kagome, they figured she couldn’t have just walked away from a direct blow from Naraku.

They had searched the battlefield for Kagome and the surrounding area, even Sesshomaru couldn’t sense her and had stayed in the surrounding forest to look for Kagome. She had just vanished. Sesshomaru in a sense owed Kagome since she had saved him along with her friends by protecting him in a barrier and with the fight she had put up against Naraku, he had come to respect her.

So as payment to the miko, he decided to take her adopted son Shippo and left for his castle, explaining to Sango and Miroku he would fund for her family’s village to be reconstructed, only he planned to build a stronger village this time and he planned on giving them a few good yokai guards for their wedding gift. Kagome had explained that it was traditional to give gifts at a human wedding.

They all had a great life, Sango and Miroku got married not too long after her village was rebuilt and they had four children, naming one of them after Rin and one after Kagome. The child version Kagome always looked after her sister Rin, just as the miko had took care of Sesshomaru’s ward some of the time.

Rin, Sesshomaru’s ward mated with Shippo who in turn prolonged her life. Shippo had become Sesshomaru’s best guard, Rin and Shippo had five kits. One day Sesshomaru and Shippo were taking the three oldest kits out to hunt, leaving the two younger kits with Rin and the servants and the guards surrounding the castle. Two days Sesshomaru and Shippo were out in the forest training the kits but in those two days someone or something had raided the castle torching it to the ground. Sesshomaru and Shippo came back to a smoldering ruins of what used to be. Shippo was pissed as they walked through the rubble, hoping for any sign of life. They found Rin’s body that had been scorched and blackened.

Shippo fell to his knees as his kits gathered around their mother, Sesshomaru yearned to use his sword but it remained silent in this great time of need. The kits hugged on their father, whimpering and wanting to be comforted, Sesshomaru’s sense of smell was picking up everything, Every burnt body, and everything to the very ruins of his home, but there was one smell that hid among them. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the smell and walked over to the hidden escape route his father had constructed underneath the castle for a time of a great escape if his family ever needed it. Sesshomaru walked down into the underground tunnel and he didn’t have to walk far until he was greeted by Rin’s favorite and most loyal guard holding the two younger kits.

“Sir, forgive me but I could not make Rin come, she want to stay and fight for our kingdom. She didn’t want to hide, I could not make her, she ordered me with a blade at my throat to take these kits and to keep them safe.” the guard bowing his head. Sesshomaru’s clawed fist held tightly to his fanged sword, his knuckles were turning white. His rage was causing him to slowly transform, but he held his beast back for the sake of the kits, this guard was at fault for his daughter’s death, he should have protected her. Sesshomaru sheathed his sword,

“Rin trusted you to save her kits, you have done well.” Sesshomaru harshly explained, he turned and led the guard back up to the ruins. Shippo took his kits and they had a memorial for those who had fallen, he then took his kits to Sango’s village before they actually started the search for the bodies of Sesshomaru’s servants and guards. Sango’s and Miroku’s children had come to help since Sesshomaru had been a loyal friend to their parents, who were now deceased. They also gave Sesshomaru, Shippo, Shippo’s kits, and the guard a place to stay until Sesshomaru could get the castle rebuilt. Some of the demon slayers even helped bring down Naraku’s sons who were responsible for the mass ruins.